I Don’t See a Forest? Those Trees Are In My Way!
Sheesh, sometimes I worry about my brain. I can usually rely on it to make the connections I need and I’m off to the races. But sometimes…sometimes I just can’t seem to rattle all the pieces into place.
This week the Theme Thursday theme of fixture was really baffling me.
When I don’t get an idea right away for the weekly theme I usually start by looking the word up in the dictionary. Then I’ll do a Google images search. Then I’ll look at my own trove of photos, both on my phone and on my computer, to try for ideas.
And, well, fixture wasn’t speaking to me this week.
Last night, as I lay in bed getting ready to sleep, I was thinking on this dilemma. Sometimes when I’m really sleepy the best ideas come around. My brain works more smoothly after throwing off the bounds of the day.
So I tried to rev up the old brain motor. I was like “come ON. I know I can do something with fixture. Don’t I have a photo or an idea? I have to make it work. Come on brain.”
Then I closed my eyes. I gave up, thinking, “whatever. I’ll skip participation this week.”
That’s when my clever ol’ brain got in gear.
Suddenly my eyes shot open, because I remembered I had this photo, taken on my phone, just this week:
I have looked at this photo a thousand times trying to get ideas and somehow the phrase “light fixture” never crossed my brain. What. The. Heck?
And then, one might ask, why do I have a photo of a light fixture?
Because among my many weird obsessions is looking at and often snapping a photo of the ceilings in San Francisco’s oldest buildings. I dig the old tin ceilings and miss how builders used to really pay attention to detail when a new place went up. I miss that workmanship and that style.
This photo was taken at a fave restaurant on Union Square called Sears Find Food. Established in 1938, this place embodies the essence of old San Francisco. I *adore* this restaurant. The food is awesome. The service is impeccable. The location on the heart of Union Square rocks.
Speaking of location, the day I ate at Sears I spent some time wandering around Union Square and felt gutted to see all the old places closing and the shiny new moving in. I wasn’t able to capture a photo, but there was this really old school tailor storefront that now has a huge “coming soon” false front around the door. A Jimmy Choo shop is moving in. *sigh*
I did manage to snap a quick shot of this longtime fixture on Union Square, The Gold Dust Lounge, established 1933.
According to our local paper, it’s soon to shut its doors as well. The building owner wants to convert it to retail space and has a clothing store all lined up.
From an article in the SFGate (I couldn’t have said it better):
The issue is particularly touchy downtown, where the sultry saloons, strip joints and savory and not so savory amusements that once lined Powell Street have steadily disappeared over the years. True or not, there is a perception in some city circles that corporate stooges are busily wiping out San Francisco’s colorful bacchanal traditions and turning everything retail vanilla.
So, I guess my tired brain is actually doing ok. A little slower to make the neurons snap into line, but I got there.
Turns out I really did have something to say on the topic of fixture.
Interesting proposal, yes, I really like the street lamps, is an element that I like to photograph.
Karen Fayeth
Leovi – Thanks for dropping by! Street photography really intrigues me.
Knock those trees down and we might just about see that forest!
Karen Fayeth
Kris – ;)
It’s amazing what you can see if you look up from time to time. we’ve got an old parisien type café in our town with the most beautiful painting on the ceilings and walls. i’ll have to dig them out and put a post up.
A great post in the end
Karen Fayeth
Hi Anji – As I was pondering my obsession with ceilings in old buildings, I thought to my self “What would be another place where I could find great ceilings in old buildings” and immediately thought of Paris. Never been there, but I imagine there’s some good ceiling gazing to be done there!!
I agree with Anji in that this was a really great post indeed.
I was really surprised with how it seems that so many must have skipped this one because it was too hard. I do look up the definition of the words before I choose most of them to see how many directions or possibilities there are for the word. This one seemed like it would be fairly easy because just about anything permanently attached to a building is a fixture. A person who is expected to always be there can be a fixture and you can even have temporary fixtures. There just seemed to be so many ways for everyone to go with this choice. I even thought there could be so many poems to be written.
Someone said they wanted nouns and so I gave them a noun and maybe by doing so I took the challenge away. Although it does make me happy to see that you were challenged. Things received through a challenge are truly much more appreciated then those that come by one too easily.
This is what made for you to have a great post.
Happy Theme Thursday and it is truly appreciated to have to play.
I also want to thank you for your nice comment about me getting well. I have been trying to kick this latest bout of bronchitis but it has seemed to kick me down. So tired from trying to breath but I am hanging in there. I have no voice from coughing so much. I sound terrible and just want to sleep constantly. Will be so glad when we stop this hot-cold, hot-cold with the weather. It affects me in a not so good way.
God bless.
Karen Fayeth
Mrsupole – I did notice that player participation was low this week. I don’t know why some words cause everyone to take off flying and others don’t. Anyhow, I thought fixture was a fine word, which made it all the more frustrating when I couldn’t come up with something! :)
Anyhow, hope you are on the mend. If your body needs to sleep, I hope you are able to let it. Sleep is the greatest healer I know.
I mean to have you play.
Karen Fayeth
Mine is a typo friendly blog. ;)