Getting The Hang of this Panorama Thing

When Apple introduced the new iOS6 for iPhones, it came along with a new camera feature called Panorama.

It’s a way to take really wide angled photos. The OS has a pretty clever little interface to help make it easy.

As I’ve been traversing this big ol’ city of New York, there are a lot of great views that are hard to capture in just one frame.

I posted a fun panorama view of the New York City Public Library a couple days ago.

And herewith, are a few more of my favorite panorama shots from the week:

This is the beautiful Lincoln Center where we saw War Horse. I took this as the show let out and New York was bathed in that magic hour light. This is by far my favorite shot using the new technique.

Copyright 2012, Karen Fayeth, and subject to the Creative Commons license in the right column of this page. Taken with an iPhone5 and the onboard camera app using the panorama feature.

Here is a shot from the American Museum of Natural History. I’d tried doing the panorama technique on the TRex skeleton, but the buggar was just too darn big. This was an awesome display of various skeletons ranging from a dino-era horse to a small dimetrodon. It was pretty nifty:

Copyright 2012, Karen Fayeth, and subject to the Creative Commons license in the right column of this page. Taken with an iPhone5 and the onboard camera app using the panorama feature.

And finally, we have Katz’s Deli on the Lower East Side. You know, where Harry met Sally?

It’s also about the most amazing deli in New York. Oh the corn beef! All piled high on a reuben with swiss and sauerkraut. Yum! The perfect egg cream. The knish to die for!

This photo just makes me drool. I may lick my computer screen…

This photo is also a bit of an amazing feat considering how many people are in the photo and everyone is moving around. That would usually cause weird pixel jumps and odd stuff, but other than one woman with a distorted head, it turned out pretty good.

Copyright 2012, Karen Fayeth, and subject to the Creative Commons license in the right column of this page. Taken with an iPhone5 and the onboard camera app using the panorama feature.

Digging this new feature! More NYC photos to come.

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  • Lucky

    Perfectly timed post! Wifey & I are spending a weekend in NY mid-December, first time since we moved 4 years ago. We’ve been agonizing about where to eat. Katz’s it is! I feel like I’ve already got my little ticket in hand.

    Great shots! Maybe I should upgrade from the 4s. . .although I don’t know what I’d do if Siri actually worked and didn’t just constantly tell me I need to speak English! It would be very confusing.

    • Karen Fayeth

      Ooh girl, go to Katz’s. Yum.

      I have another suggestion for you. This came from our friend, a local who lives on the Upper West Side. It’s a place called Barney Greengrass.

      If you like smoked fish, this place is amaaaaazing. I will have happy dreams about Barney’s bialys and their blintzes for years.

      Oh! And I’m pretty sure that the 4s running iOS6 will do Panarama. Open the native camera app and look under options. You’ll find it.

  • Lucky

    So, I need to upgrade to iOS6? I’ll try it! First iPhone – training wheels!

    I am not crazy about Barney Greengrass (or smoked fish), but that reminds me that Popover Cafe is over there. Definitely. That’s 2 meals covered! And we’ll be swinging by Amy’s Bread to pick up a cake or two for the drive home. I miss NM, but cannot wait to eat NY!

    • Karen Fayeth

      Oooh, indeed, we have eaten NY. It won’t be just my suitcase that’s a tad overweight coming home!!

      Hope your trip is amazing! We are leaving today and I’m quite sad. :(

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