
Remember how I pondered a couple days ago if I was, perhaps, too attached to my pet?

Today I read this article and think, maybe I’m doin’ all right:

Florida Man Punches Shark To Save His Terrier

Says pet owner Greg LeNoir:

“…We have no children. Jake became our child. When I saw the shark engulf him, I thought, `This can’t be the end.’”

Poor pupular is doing fine after some extensive vet work.

And I thought scrunching over to the very edge of the bed to allow room for a spread eagle sleeping cat was a sacrifice.

Greg LeNoir, you win.

Some stuff can’t be made up.

Observed today in my work’s cafeteria:

Arrogant mid-level exec guy says to one of the cafeteria employees, “Would you help me, I have special request.”

“Sure,” she answered brightly. Poor poppet, she thought he’d have a rational request.

Seems he “needed” a dry cappuccino. And there is only ONE person employed by our cafeteria who makes it correctly (to his rarified tastes, I’m sure).

The ONE person just happened to be the same woman who was running the cash register.

At lunch rush.

A scramble ensued to swap out the person at the register, while the woman shook her head, decided this wasn’t a battle worth fighting, and went off to make a dry cappuccino.

While about fifteen of us stood there waiting.

Sort of an add-on to the post entitled “Is it the air up there?.”


An addendum

To the post entitled “Strange Days Indeed

I have one additional mind-boggler to add.

I heard an ad on the radio today telling me that Tina Tuner is launching a new concert tour.

The woman is almost 69 years old, ferchrissakes, and she still looks better on her worst day than I do on my best.

But that’s not the mind boggler.

Her tour is sponsored by….and I’m not making this up…..Amway.


Strange days indeed…

Most peculiar, Mama*

If you, like me, sometimes struggle with change…well, then this is NOT our year.

I mean. Let’s start with the election. Both an African American Man and a woman on the main stage. Whoa Nellie!

The economy. Jeebus, I need a seatbelt to stay on this crazy ride!

There’s even a new profession I only just heard of in an article about this economy. A “neuroeconomist”, who studies the biology of economic behavior. Some guy from Emory University is saying we’re all acting like a bunch of scared sheep.

Not sure I disagree.

Several friends have been laid off from jobs and have had a lot of trouble finding a new gig.

Fannie Mae now (unwillingly) owns some 54,000 homes.

Some meaningful people both personally and in society have passed away.

A couple people very dear to me are seriously ill.

My 43-year old friend is preggers (naturally) for the first time.

My big brother is moving to Malaysia…This just after he and his family came through freaking Hurricane Ike.

Gas prices are through the roof. Prices unheard of thus far in our country.

Oh yeah, and for me personally I got married and am potentially changing jobs after almost a decade at one company.

2008 is not for sissies!

And we’re only nine months into this thing!

Holy crap!

If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to retire to the underside of my bed with a tubful of Cherry Garcia, a canister of Valium and my cat.

Call me when things have settled, hey?

*Borrowed liberally from John Lennon. Thanks John!

Uh oh.

I may be going to jail soon.

That is…if my new husband decides to press charges.

Maybe he won’t read this article.

Best line of the day:

“A West Virginia man who police said passed gas and fanned it toward a patrolman has been charged with battery…”

Sorry for the, uh, spousal abuse.