Literal girl takes things literally
Ok, so there we were on a day of running errands, The Good Man and me.
We pull into a crowded parking lot behind the store where we’ve taken our bicycles to get tuned up.
Fabulous. All good.
TGM parks the car and heads inside while I get out change to go see about the meter.
Muliti-tasking couple, that’s us. Efficiency!
Ok, so we parked in one of those lots where you have to “note your space number and pay at the machine.”
Sure. Ok. I’m in!
So I note “space number 6” and then I swivel my head around to find the pay’er machine.
I see a sign that says, “pay here” and I go toward it like a moth after a 60-watt bulb on a hot summer’s night.
I literally walk right to the “pay here” sign. Seeing ONLY the “pay here sign.”
I arrive at the “pay here” sign to find that there is ONLY a “pay here” sign and no sort of payin’ machine.
What. The. Heck?
Ok. A photo will probably explain this better.
It actually took me several moments to turn around and actually figure out how to get my parking fare paid.
The sign says, “pay here.” It DOES NOT say, “pay over there, like eight feet away.”
Pay here with an arrow means pay there! At the end of the arrow.
Very, very literal girl was really perturbed by this whole setup.
So perturbed I took a dang photo of it!
I totally need to take up yoga.
Or meditation.
Or something with plinky-plunky music that will help lower my blood pressure.
Literal girl is *tense* sometimes…..