The More Things Change, The More They Don’t
Wow, I’m like my own little history book.
Looking over past posts and I found this entry. Originally published August 18, 2008.
Four years later and Olympics in London looked a lot like Olympics in Beijing.
Without the communism.
Damn you, NBC.
I’m just going to say it. The Olympics. MASSIVE disappointment.
Ok, not the games themselves. No. The coverage. NBC should be shot……and their little dog Bob Costas too.
I have twice now…just twice, sat down to watch coverage during “prime time” hours.
Once was Thursday. As soon as it came on, The Good Man said, “Is Bob Costas sick or something? He looks pale.”
No. Not sick. Just over made up, I think.
We tried to watch it but it was hard. The commercials. The interstitials. The “back story”. The over focus on one athlete to the detriment of the others. The cutting away from beach volleyball just when it was finally getting GOOD. Ugh.
We did get to see Phelps and “the touch” that launched another gold medal.
And we saw a Swiss volleyballer throw a hissy fit.
And some track and field ladies who kick butt.
But it was SO hard to watch.
Second try was last night. As soon as I turned it on The Good Man said, “Is Bob Costas sick or something? He looks pale.”
No. Still not sick. Just bad coverage.
Best line comes from Jim Baca on his blog Only in New Mexico:
“We watched the Olympics last night, or should I say the commercials on NBC which were interrupted by competition once in a while.”
I tried to watch. I really did. But ended up switching over to MythBusters instead.
I remember watching the Olympics when I was a kid. It was all about the athletes. About the competition. About this amazing every four year event showcasing the best of the best.
Now it’s Chinese government coverups, overblown corporate sponsorships, and focus on the most “media ready” athletes.
Photo by Heinz Kluetmeier, found on Sports Illustrated, and used here under fair use.