Messing With Siri
She‘s an awful serious sort.
And most of the time she says to me “I don’t know what you mean by….”
But occasionally she’s on her game:
She‘s an awful serious sort.
And most of the time she says to me “I don’t know what you mean by….”
But occasionally she’s on her game:
I suppose it’s time for me, a summer lovin’ sunshine dancin’ kind of a gal, to admit that it is, in fact, winter. Or at least very late Fall.
The weather has turned. It’s getting a bit colder.
And so I present the surest sign of winter. In the same way they yank a startled Punxsutawney Phil from his burrow, here is my own animal based divination tool:
A cat with her butt on the heater vent.
Not just any heater vent, the best vent in the house. It’s a cut out in the bathroom cabinets and the ten pound animal steals all the heat. While taking a shower on a rather cold damp morning, I might wish to enjoy the heat from that vent. That would be a no.
As soon as the heat kicks on, there she’ll be.
It starts out with a simple “oh hey, that’s not bad.” Just the back end getting toasty. It’s simple. Demure.
Once the tail region has achieved critical warmness, then a self-satisfied flop ensues.
I don’t even know what to say at this point. I’m almost offended. (and if I think about the physics of the thing….the warm air is headed straight up Broadway, right? Can that even be comfortable?)
Grace. Class. Dignity. None of those words can be used to describe my feline.
All photos Copyright 2011, Karen Fayeth and subject to the Creative Commons license found in the far right column of this page. Photos taken with my brand spankin’ new iPhone 4s and the Camera+ app.
Ok, today’s Theme Thursday word is: gourd
Seems topical, right? Seasonal? A good theme for the beginning of November.
However, I think we’re all struggling with this one. I know I sure am.
So when I’m stuck, it’s time to do a brainstorming session (what the marketing folks call blue-skying).
Here we go… This is random association. Just say the first thing that comes to mind.
Barry Gordy
Barry Gordy, Jr.’s son Rockwell.
“I always feeeeel like, somebody’s watchiiing meeeee.”
Backing vocals by Michael Jackson
That Michael Jackson doctor guy was found guilty.
That whole thing is really weird.
Ok, this is a dead end (wow oh wow….pun TOTALLY not intended).
Back up to “I always feeeeel like, somebody’s watchiiing meeeee.”
Lately I’ve been watching that TV show Pan Am
It’s a pretty good show.
When did people get so unclassy when they fly? I mean, people will roll their over heavy roller bag (that they can’t possibly lift into the overhead bin) over your foot just to grab at a tiny bag of peanuts.
It wears me out.
Ok, this is going nowhere.
Back it up to gourd.
Masssssshhhhed poooootatoes…..: droooool :
Ok. Now I’m just hungry.
And I’ve made no progress on the whole gourd issue.
So I’ll leave you with this: A website dedicated to gourds.
And now, at the end of this rambling, shambling blog post dedicated to gourds, on the day after I wrote a whole post about floors, I can only say…..
I must be totally out of my gourd.
Photo by W.P. Armstrong, Copyright 2007, and found on The World of Gourds website.
You might recall a few months back (July, actually) I posted a story about San Francisco’s celebration for a glass.
A perfect, petite glass, just ripe to be filled to the rim with Irish coffee.
This past weekend, The Good Man and I had much to celebrate, so we spent the weekend rabble rousing from one end of the beautiful City of San Francisco to the other.
It was a magical weekend.
After consuming an insane amount of food at Tadich Grill, a venerable old place dating back to 1849, we set out on the quite stormy Saturday night and ultimately found ourselves at the Buena Vista down on the Wharf.
The Buena Vista is one of my most favorite places in the City. Especially on a cold, rainy night.
I was there in an official capacity, of course. It was necessary to investigate this whole glass issue for myself.
You know, in the interest of quality control and all that.
After the first Irish Coffee, I was intrigued.
After the second Irish Coffee, I was quite contemplative.
After the third Irish Coffee, I was…wait…what were we talking about…..?
*hic* Yes, I found the glasses at the BV to be of fine quality and most upstanding in their capacity to serve a nice warm beverage.
Or something.
I slept rather well that night, too……
All photographs Copyright Karen Fayeth, 2011, and subject to the Creative Commons license found in the right column of this page.
Photos taken with my iPhone4 and the Hipstamatic app.
Heavens to Betsy! This one is for me and all my potty mouthed friends.
Click image to see larger size:
Pearls Before Swine comic strip from October 31, 2011