Who among us…
…who has worked retail hasn’t wanted to? You know what I mean? I think you do.
…who has worked retail hasn’t wanted to? You know what I mean? I think you do.
No raindrops on roses or whiskers on kittens.
No, I’m all kinds of cranky today and need to, you know, just vent.
You know how it goes, you have other friends like me. You are having a perfectly nice day, then they come along and dump their misery. They feel great and you feel bad.
That’s me today.
Here we go.
I’m not cranky about anything in particular, just all the little things are wearing down my last nerve until it’s just a slick spot. I have, what The Good Man calls “bent whiskers.”
So here we go, a few of my most annoying things.
Ok, that last one may be the main perturber…not sure. Either way, I’m massively cranky….
Behold the face of the unrepentant criminal!
Last night, after giving kibble to the rabble rouser, I took a glass from the cabinet where we keep dishes, poured some soy milk, and went to the other room to enjoy the cold glass. I suppose I didn’t firmly close the cabinet door…fine.
Several minutes later, I heard some clanking noises from the kitchen and said to The Good Man, “what’s she into now?”
He said, “we didn’t leave any dishes on the counter, so I can’t imagine…”
I got up and went into the kitchen.
The Feline had made her way into the cabinet where the dishes are kept and was prowling around in there. When I barked, “get down!” as I do when she’s somewhere she ought not to be, she wigged out.
And in her haste to comply and quickly extricate her anything-but-lithe form from the shelves, she managed to shove the stack of bowls out of the cabinet and crashing, shattering to the floor.
She then scampered off a good distance, then stopped to lick her paw as though to say, “what?”
I found myself…mad. Really mad. Not kick the cat mad (in no way at all), but mad.
The Good Man rightfully reminded me that she’s a pet, you can’t reason with her like a child, that being mad is fine but really comes to no good end, that this is just what this particular feline does.
Sure. Didn’t help. I was still mad.
Not mad enough I didn’t let her sleep on top of me, like usual, but still, this morning…I’m peeved.
I’m probably more peeved at myself for leaving the door open than anything.
I once had a therapist say that being mad was more about yourself that it is about the person (feline) you are mad at.
So. Breathe in. Breathe out.
*sigh* So I guess this weekend we’ll set out into the world to buy a new set of bowls. Ain’t gonna be no soup in our house for a while!
Here’s the proof! Look!
Daffodils*, in full bloom, bright yellow in a pretty purple vase in my office! Look at that, spring, sunshine, joy, leaping, flowers, yes!
Wait, stop…don’t look out that window! Don’t do it, I beg you!
Galldarn fog going and ruining my whole Spring thang. WHY!!?!?!
I just want a little sun. I just want to frolic. Is that too much to ask of you, Bay Area temperature inversion? You and your marine layer can BITE ME!
New Mexico wouldn’t let me down this way…it’s supposed to be 80 in Las Cruces today……..
*Daffodils courtesy of the American Cancer Society Daffodil Days.
This, the next in my line of roadway rants. See my four way stop discussion here.
This weekend The Good Man and I had occasion to take a bit of a road trip. Just down Highway 1, a small jaunt in order to meet up with a whole passel of my in-laws. (passel being smaller than a gang but larger than a group)
As we drove, in many instances, we were forced to merge, to turn, to navigate our way carefully through the highways and byways of the Bay Area.
I noticed, as The Good Man drove, he always, very politely, gives a wave when someone does him the favor of letting him into a lane, or allows him to turn in a busy, congested area, or stops to let him through.
I also noticed that when The Good Man generously does the same for others, he rarely gets a wave of thanks and recognition in return.
Politeness, it seems, is on the soon-to-be extinct list.
This makes me cranky.
Sure, I know that a polite wave isn’t required by any driving laws. I’ll have you know that when I had to take that drivers safety class to work the points off from a speeding violation, it was often suggested that a polite wave was much appreciated by others on the road. That acknowledging each other actually makes us drive better.
Connectedness people! Put down your Blackberry and say hi to an actual person sometimes!
I shall tack on a quick rant: Upon employment here at my new job, I tried, in vain, for two weeks to say hello to the security guard on the first floor who I must walk directly past EVERY day. It seems strange not to acknowledge another human you see five of every seven days of your life. But he will NOT say hello to me. Will. Not. It kind of hurts my feelings…..