Plan in place

In reading the “odd news” today, I inadvertently stumbled across my strategy for the first Tuesday in November.


NAPLES (Reuters) – Ballot stuffing took on a new meaning in Italy’s parliamentary election on Sunday when a man ate his ballot paper in protest at the country’s politicians.

Police in Naples said they had charged the 41-year-old businessman with destroying election materials. He said all Italian politicians and politics “are crap” and that he was protesting “against the system.”

Nom, nom.

Should I add rooster sauce or mayo? What condiment goes best with crappy politics, hmmmmm?

Get out and vote

If you are a Democrat, that is. If you are a Republican, you gotta wait until June.

Not gonna tell you how to vote or which way to lean or who I prefer.

Just sayin’, this is an interesting year. Votes count.

So vote, okay?

For my New Mexico friends, this by way of the ABQjournal, how to find your polling place.