Quoting The Master
Five days back after stepping off a ten hour flight, and in the immortal words of that Bard for the modern age, Bender Bending Rodriguez:
More blog-tastic goodness is on the way.
Image found here.
Five days back after stepping off a ten hour flight, and in the immortal words of that Bard for the modern age, Bender Bending Rodriguez:
More blog-tastic goodness is on the way.
Image found here.
Today I ate lunch in a small cafe and sat at a table looking out the window into an open air mall. As I slurped soup, the rain began again, in earnest. The large drops plopped and the people outside scattered.
It’s been doing this for the last ten days, almost non-stop.
Opening the weather app on my iPhone, it became clear that this rain, rain isn’t going away anytime soon.
Here’s the weather where I am, now:
Drippy, drippy, drippy.
Two ladies chatted loudly behind me. One was complaining about how her daughter is misbehaving and that her acting up is disrupting the whole home.
She said “To be honest, this bad weather has got us all in a bad place.”
With a deep sigh, I took another slurp of broccoli soup.
After sixteen days in jolly yet rainy ol’ England, I get to go home tomorrow.
I am so ready.
So I flipped the pages in my weather app.
Here’s how it is where, if all goes well, I will be tomorrow:
Those little yellow disks, all in a row. That looks really nice.
Plus there is The Good Man at home. And a cranky Feline. And an elderly fish. And my life.
I’ve loved living here for just over two weeks but now it’s time to get back to the business of living my beautiful, wonderful, magical, messed up but all mine life.
My British education continues. This time, the lesson arrived over what my coworkers call “a curry and a pint.”
At a local Indian restaurant, I tucked into some buttery Tikka Masala and we discussed the day’s events.
I’ve been watching a lot of morning television, particularly the news shows, and so I had a lot of questions.
One question burned uppermost in my mind.
“Is the Mayor of London insane? Because I’ve been seeing various video clips on the news and he seems…well…batshit crazy.”
“Boris Johnson, you mean? What leads you to that conclusion?” asked a wise coworker.
I told them of the video I’d seen that morning of Mr. Johnson, filmed just after London won the Olympic games. In the video, the honorable yet wild haired Mr. Johnson goes on at some length about how people in England used to play lawn tennis on their dining room table and it was called wiff waff. He kept saying “wiff waff” and rambling along that England originated table tennis and is the center of the sporting world and so on.
The man standing behind him is doing all he can to not laugh hysterically as an elected official natters on. (You can watch the video here, or Google Boris Johnson and wiff waff)
This video was played to set the stage for the next video, a clip that had been filmed earlier that day. In this video, they showed a large set of Olympic rings being hoisted and put in place under the London Bridge. When interviewed, Mr. Johnson went off on a repetitive rant that this adornment of the well known landmark was a wakeup call to London and an invitation to the world. His hair was surprisingly calm this day considering the wind.
So that, I told my curry crew, was the basis for my question.
Here was the reply and my lesson:
“Oh, make no mistake, he’s barking mad. However, his father was a member of Parliament and he is from a very posh family. He attended some of the best schools in the country. He was an MP of a small town for a while and then made his way to Mayor of London. The people love him.”
She went on to say, “You see, the difference between bonkers and eccentric is money. Boris Johnson is merely eccentric.”
Oh I see.
I took a sip of my beer.
Then another.
I nodded thoughtfully.
“Fair enough,” was the extent of my reply.
Image found here
Independence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. — Source
And so it is on this Fourth of July in the year 2012 that I find myself, an American citizen, residing in the land from which our forefathers sought their independence.
236 years ago a bunch of men and women fought to establish a new country, away from the oppression of an overbearing king.
A challenging fight for a worthy goal.
Their victory and the resulting independence is so enduring that two centuries later I can get on an airplane, fly for ten hours, and stand here, on the Thames river, and celebrate my freedom.
It’s both ironic and a little bit alienating.
The drafters of the Declaration could never have imagined.
I’d sing the Star Spangled Banner, but these sodding Brits might remind me that our country’s anthem is set to the tune of a British pub song.
I’d sing “My Country Tis of Thee” but that’s just “God Save the Queen” to this lot.
How about God Bless America? Nah, Kate Smith ruined that one for me.
I suppose what I’ll do to mark the day is simply get up from my bed, go to work (it’s not a holiday here) and do my best. I might even quaff a beer and wish I was at a bbq enjoying a sunny summer day rather than another depressing rainy English day.
And next week when I return home to the shores of California, I’ll carry a small smile.
Because I think to truly understand and appreciate my country, I have to leave it every once in a while.
Happy Independence Day, America! May you all eat too many hot dogs and have an extra bowl of homemade ice cream for me.
The river Thames as seen from the Westminster Bridge
Photo Copyright 2012, Karen Fayeth, and subject to the Creative Commons license in the right column of this page. Photo taken with an iPhone4s and the Camera+ app.
Been here in England for a full week and I’m having a lot of fun. And working hard.
Ok. Mostly working hard.
But sneaking in a little fun where I can.
It appears that England’s newspaper industry is still going strong, and every morning I can hardly wait to read the latest edition of the Independent, known as the i, and the local Newbury newspaper too.
I love the Brit sense of humor, and I also love the i’s ability to report every little bit of local news with both journalistic seriousness and humor. I’d read more US newspapers if they gave me a little chuckle now and again.
Here’s a few clips from just this last week.
The Fonz and Me. That’s right, the same day I arrived, The Fonz was in town. He was visiting a primary school and promoting reading. Go Fonz! I’m not kidding when I say this was front page news.
Civic pride.This story made me laugh out loud on the train. I actually startled the young businessman sitting next to me.
It seems the mayor of a fairly small town decided that when it came time to greet the Olympic torch, she wanted to really bring forward the pride of Louth to the world.
So she dressed up as a sausage.
Read the short clip, especially the last line.
Very descriptive.As an avowed linguaphile and word nerd, I love, love, love listening to the Brits speak and their colloquialisms.
This is just the end of an article complaining about HSBC Bank’s new piped in music and adverts.
In the last two columns are the phrases “cock-up” and “crap the music altogether” that I want to use.
A lot.
“Hey boss, it looks like my team cocked-up the invoices this month, can we just crap the May payments altogether?”
I’m gonna guess US HR is gonna say no to that.
Stop or I’ll say stop again. And finally, this is my favorite. I’ve shown this photo to everyone who will look at it and even the locals shake their heads.
Here’s how I understand the story: the town of Newbury wants to cut down on people drinking way too much then getting rambunctious, so to that end, local bartenders have all agreed not to serve people who are already drunk.
Great, fair enough.
The article goes on to say, “Newbury Pubwatch has also introduced the concept of a warning letter which is hand delivered when an individual has been involved in a drink-related incident.”
Um. A letter?
That’s gonna curtail the hooliganism. I’m sure if it.