This exercise was so amazing for me and my old friend The Muse last week. It really helped break some of the rust off the creative pipes and since it was so much fun, let’s let The Muse play the Unconscious Mutterings free-association game again.
- Social ::
A friend posted a link on Facebook essentially declaring that social media is over. Wait, there’s something ironic about that sentence. No matter, let’s press on.
Personally, I’m pretty ready for all things social networking to stop being all anyone talks about. As if this is changing the world.
Sure, something just as annoying will take it’s place, but maybe as “the book close(s) on Web 2.0” the internets will have grown up a bit. Stretched a bit. Maybe the next big thing will be something great, innovative and useful.
Just don’t take away my lolcats. I beg you.
- Fairy tale ::
It’s too early to discuss Christmas songs. Way too early.
However, if we were going to discuss Christmas songs I’d tell you that I think it’s magic that a song entitled “Fairy Tale of New York” begins with the lines:
“It was christmas eve babe/In the drunk tank”
I mean really. Could that be any more perfect of the holiday season? I think not.
A nod of thanks to my Rock Star cousin for turning me on to that tune many years ago when I was having a Very Dark Christmas.
- 0 ::
Neither odd nor even, positive nor negative. Zero is the beginning, a place to start. Nothing and everything. Zen. Infinite.
And a bunch of other woo-woo stuff.
Null, nada, naught, nuh-uh, nope, zilch.
Sort of beautiful in it’s perfection, really.
- Football ::
I’m not much of a football fan, but I do idly keep track of the San Francisco 49ers. Last year I even took in my first NFL game, and it was awesome.
That said, I think I’ve become too much of a baseball girl. I mean…162 games a season vs sixteen. Right? I think you can get by with a lot of luck over 16 games whereas you have to be mentally and physically disciplined to make it through 162.
This is a weird time of the year where the end of baseball overlaps the beginning of football.
Right now my San Francisco Giants are oh-so-very-close to making it into the postseason again and the 49ers have won their first two regular games.
All in all, not a bad place to be.
Who’s got it better than us?
Why, I’m pretty sure the answer is: Nobody.
- Action::
Lights, camera, action. Take action. Action Jackson. Action hero. Action games.
Yeah. I got nothing here.
- Setting ::
Sometimes, on a rough ol’ Monday like this, I think about going to my happy place. I have several, actually, but the one I’m thinking about today is the town of Half Moon Bay. It’s about a half hour drive away, it’s where I got married, and it’s the beach I visited just after moving to California.
It holds a special place in my heart and features some of the most beautiful sunsets I’ve ever seen.
I’ve watched that setting sun alone, with dear friends (and beers) and with my love.
Here’s my favorite photo, taken (by me) near Miramar Beach, and even this cool photo doesn’t totally capture the quality of light. But it’s enough to help me escape gray cubicle walls, if only for a moment.

- Boomers ::
Did you know that in Australia, an adult male kangaroo is called a Boomer? I didn’t either.
I learned that seeking an alternative for this prompt that would let me write about something other than ol’ hippies.
And I thank YOU, Wikipedia, you glorious repository of knowledge.
- Rough ::
This morning, this glorious Monday morning, I woke up rough. Real rough. I remember the days where I could stay up all night drinking and carousing and then get approximately one and a half hours of sleep, wake up chipper, go to class, take detailed notes, get through the day and go out again.
Now I stay up late on Sunday night watching a good movie and oh holy hell I’m a mess from the time the alarm goes off until I can go to bed early the next night.
Time really does make fools of us all.
- Words ::
“What are words for? When no one listens. What are words for, when no one listens at all?”
Hello you beautiful Missing Persons.
That was the very first non-rodeo related concert I attended. (If I include rodeo shows, my first concert was Freddy Fender. You can’t make this stuff up). My big brother took me to a show at the Civic Auditorium in Albuquerque. Bits of what I’m sure was asbestos fell from the ceiling during the show.
I wanted to be Dale Bozzio so bad I couldn’t see straight. I still do.
- Account ::
Longing to be Dale Bozzio, and Belinda Carlisle, and Terri Nunn and others like them – yeah, that accounts for a lot of my teenage years.
Really, a lot of my life.
I just read British comedienne Dawn French‘s memoir. Now there is a lady who is 100% comfortable in her own skin. And now instead of just admiring her, I want to be her too.
I’m such a suggestible little girl.
Ok, well…back to work.