Geez! Well finally!

Yes, yes your intrepid blogger returned from her road trip and got immersed in catching up.

It’s taken me a week to sort through the over 300 photos I took at the 38th Annual Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta.

But sort through I have, and if you click here you can see about 60 of them.

I’ve not done any retouching, Photoshopping, or editing of any kind. These are straight off the camera, complete with the smudge on my lens, visible in the upper right corner of many of the shots.

I’m a real pro at this! Yay. Thankfully in most shots the smudge can be easily edited out.


Here’s a few to whet your appetite!! (click image for bigger size)

Second time’s the charm

Woo hooo! Ok, today’s Balloon Fiesta was *awesome*! So worth using that crowbar to get my butt out of bed this morning.

Special Shapes Rodeo, yeah baby!

This will be a quick post because I have to pack up all my schtuff and check out of the hotel. Today I’m headed out of the ‘Burque and southbound to Las Cruces.

I can’t wait to hug my two beautiful goddaughters! What a great way to wrap up my trip.

Note to NewMexiKen: The Albuquerque Box was not in effect today. No surprise, eh?

Here’s just a couple photos for Sin Pantalones (I believe you said in comments on Ken’s blog that these are a couple of your faves). I have to sort through the rest to see if there’s anything good in there.


(Click photo for full size image)

Take 2

Dawn Patrol is up and so am I.

I must be crazy.

However, today is special shapes! I feel like a kid at Cutter Field again. W00t!

Yanno, that cloud cover yesterday made things feel a bit warmer. Today is just nice and frosty cold. Yeow!

Photos to come if I can score 'em.

Woo. I am *tired*! And delerious. I am dangerous when I am delerious.


Best laid plans of mice and men and sleepy bloggers.

Made it to the Balloon Park at about 5:30 in the morning, did the waiting around thing. Shopped the vendors, bought the pin, ate the burrito and at about quarter to 7:00 they announced that due to the rain, none of the balloons would be taking off.


So no, I don’t have any photos to share. Ah well.

I decided to use an early morning with time on my hands to head up to the National Cemetery in Santa Fe to pay a visit to dear ol’ dad.

The pounding rain was a bit more fitting for that scenario.

Now I’m exhausted and melancholy and I believe I’ll take a little nap.

I’ll share with you this year’s Balloon Fiesta poster. I almost bought it, but held off. It’s really beautiful in person, and would be lovely framed.

Still pondering if I’ll try the fiesta again tomorrow.

Double the thanks!

Well hey! This little ol’ blog topped a hundred visitors for two days in a row! Thanks to all 117 who stopped by yesterday!

Yes, I am posting at 4:00 in the morning. No, I don’t know why.

Juuuust kidding, on my way to see the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta.

I hope to make some decent photos this morning. Here’s hoping the weather holds.

More to come today!
