About Author

Karen Fayeth

If I see….

…windmills…then I must be near Palm Springs.

Back on the road after an overnight in Orange County and a successful
visit to Grand Parentals of The Good Man.

We are eastbound on I-10 and headed for Phoenix. It is a good clear
day and it's starting to feel more like what I know.

Am a bit fragile today since Uncle of TGM opened many bottles of wine
and kept our glasses full until late last night.

I might bounce back after a Starbucks run..,

Curative powers of coffee…..

Grape-Viney Goodness

Ugh. The Grapevine. I hate it. The Good Man thinks it's cool.

One thing is clear:

When we drop down on the other side we'll be in L.A.


But L.A. is that much closer to where I belong….

We meet again…

Hello I-5, my old friend. Together again.

This is ugliest stretch of road I know. And I am from New Mexico. I
know from ugly roads.

Let me put it into perspective:

I'd rather drive that stick straight desolate highway between Vaughan/
Encino and Roswell a thousand times than I-5 just once.

Ah well…

Mother New Mexico, I'm coming home.


Woo hoo!

After months of obsessively turning over every quarter I get in change to see if I have a New Mexico quarter, I’m pleased to note that FINALLY one has made it’s way into my hot little hands.

The Good Man actually received it and held it aside for me.

This just in time for me to visit Oh Fair New Mexico in the next couple days where I’ll probably get them by the yard.

Oh well. It’s still a happy thing!

Gotta find the bright shiny happy things in life, right?