The Withdrawals, man. I got the itchies!
So the good man and I lived quite a long time in our old apartment. The place was built in the 40’s and had a lot of quirks. Since it was an older house in an older neighborhood, we tolerated a lot of the less than optimal things, but was a fun place to live.
For example, we got pretty cruddy DSL service there. When I signed up for the service back in the early 2000’s, they woo’d me in with promises of 3mbps download speed and 1mbps upload.
Not bad, really.
Well, in reality, we got a lot closer to 1.5 down and .5 up. Pretty crappy.
So I called AT&T to complain. Often.
At the end of every year I’d call up again, crankier than the previous year. They would tell me that my speeds were “within normal range”. I’d say “but you sold me on 3!!” Then they’d tell me that my neighborhood wasn’t wired for any of the other faster services they offer, and “oh so sorry about that.”
Then I’d threaten to cancel my service.
So the call agent would send me to the Retention Department who would cluck and coo over my bad experience, then reduce my monthly rate. I’d gotten it down to about $20 a month for my meager 1.5 download speeds.
It was a breakeven. Not much money. Not very fast. So ok.
This month, we moved into a new place. I called them sonsabitches at AT&T and told them I was moving my service, and they weren’t going to raise my rates.
They told me “oooh….yyyeaaaah….um….your new building isn’t wired for AT&T. We don’t actually offer any service there at all. Sorry.”
Well ok. So I started looking at options.
Turns out lo these many years ago, the building owners used to provide basic Comcast cable to all tenants. But Comcast kept trying to bump up the price, so finally the owners said “go away” and the tenants had to pay for their own service, either Comcast or DishTV.
What that means is, the building was wired only for Comcast and AT&T phone lines. No one else. And no ATT DSL.
Which means….
I’m stuck with $#%^*&%^%ing Comcast.
A little history: It was with sheer, unadulterated *glee* that I canceled my last Comcast service back in 2009.
Now they are my only choice. And I am peeved.
So peeved, that for the past week, The Good Man and I have had NO INTERNET in our little home.
None. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada.
Well, ok, we both have iPhones and get enought done using our 3G coverage. But basically….we’ve been living internet free for a week.
At first it was kind of nice.
And then it was extraordinarily painful.
And then it was nice again.
Now I just don’t know.
I have two loaner MiFi devices coming from two different cell phone carriers. I’m going to see if 4G mobile coverage will get us there. I’m not optimistic. My last evaluation of MiFi service wasn’t positive (great with one device on it, but slows miserably as each new device hops on).
And I am really not a fan of DishTV.
So here I am. Back at Comcast.
How possibly can I live in the middle of a very bustling neighborhood in the very *heart* of the most technologically interesting place in the world, and I can’t get simple, stupid freaking DSL service!?!?!
As an aside, I have to laugh at how reliant I’ve become on having my WiFi internet at the ready. Maybe I need to detox from it. Maybe it’s time to step back.
But then I want to write a blog post about how much I’ve broken my tether to the internet and I can’t because I have no WiFi.
I cried because I had no internet, until I met a man who had no iPhone.