One To Ponder On
There’s a lady I work with who I like a lot, and she and I have become pretty good friends. We’ve decided, together, that we need to get more exercise during our long work days. To that end, we’ve started taking lunchtime walks along all the wonderful walking paths near our office.
During the walks, we generally kibitz or cuss about work or discuss the news of the day. I’ve learned that my new friend is a big fan of birds, I think she keeps three at home. She loves looking at all the wild birds out there in our marshland ponds, and I do too.
I’ve talked before about the proliferation of birds, and especially Canada geese, here in my vicinity.
Yesterday my friend and I were walking around the lake at a brisk pace when she suddenly stopped and gasped. “Look at that goose!” she said and pointed.
Running along one side our little lake is a very busy street. This goose was strutting out into traffic, headed for a sizable puddle of standing water. There must have been something tasty looking in that stale water, because the goose would not be denied, full speed ahead…until a car went zooming by, and the goose was blown back by the jet wash.
“Get back here!” my friend shouted to the unsteady goose, as though her maternal tone would make it mind its manners.
“Get back here you goose! You silly, silly goose! You’re a silly goose! Yes you are, why are you such a silly goose?”
Oddly, the goose must have known he was in the presence of One Who Knows Birds, because it did just as she asked. It looked at her warily, then that silly high stepping goose strutted its way back over to the curb, ungracefully waddled up, and went about its way munching at the green grass.
“That’s a good goose,” my friend said as we continued our walk.
I smiled to myself. Now, just who is the real silly goose? The one trying to find food for its existence, or the human hollering at a bird?
Since today is actually Thursday, then it must be time for Theme Thursday. Today’s prompt is: Silly