Who among us…
…who has worked retail hasn’t wanted to? You know what I mean? I think you do.
…who has worked retail hasn’t wanted to? You know what I mean? I think you do.
Sure, the swine flu is wacky, but THIS story (sent to me by The Good Man) really skeeves me OUT!
Against Insect Plague, Nevadans Wield Ultimate Weapon: Hard Rock
Mormon crickets, in droves. Relentless. : itch, scratch, itch, twitch… :
No raindrops on roses or whiskers on kittens.
No, I’m all kinds of cranky today and need to, you know, just vent.
You know how it goes, you have other friends like me. You are having a perfectly nice day, then they come along and dump their misery. They feel great and you feel bad.
That’s me today.
Here we go.
I’m not cranky about anything in particular, just all the little things are wearing down my last nerve until it’s just a slick spot. I have, what The Good Man calls “bent whiskers.”
So here we go, a few of my most annoying things.
Ok, that last one may be the main perturber…not sure. Either way, I’m massively cranky….
I’m not one of those politically correct, over sensitive, freak out kind of folks.
But the photo in this screenshot seems…not ok.
What do you think?
Found this morning on Yahoo with their swine flu lead stories.
Setting a good example in tough economic times, Governor Richardson has managed to pay off all of his campaign debt.
Good on ya, Bill!