Oh Woe, My Lost Love

For a whole variety of reasons my doctor has me off the java for a while. And by a while, I mean at least a month, probably. Likely I should keep off it all together.

Acid in the tummy and all.

But I love coffee. Adore coffee. Sing songs in ode to coffee.

And I miss it. Oh how I miss it.

While I moan and wail over my loss, I looked through the photos on my iPhone and found this little beauty shot taken a couple weeks ago.

That is The Good Man’s latte with a crispy little Amaretti cookie on the side. The (Italian) guy pulling shots at Cafe Venetia in Palo Alto always makes a charming little design.

Look how pretty. *sigh*

Such sorrow for my lost love…….

Photo copyright 2012, Karen Fayeth

Tomorrow: bad poetry as ode to the fact I also can’t have wine. *whimper*

Photo taken with an iPhone4s using the Camera+ app. Subject to the Creative Commons license, found in the right column of this page.

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  • Emmett

    They can do that to your hot cocoa y’know

  • Friar Don

    Always wondered how they made those designs so well… Mine would look nothing like that probably (even though it was supposed to!)!

    It is better without coffee!! You will feel better in the end!

    Friar Don, OBR

    • Karen Fayeth

      Hi Don – I have watched the guy make those designs over and over, I mean really paid attention, and I still don’t think I could make it myself. And I hope you are right, once I’m over the mourning, I think it will be nicer to have a tummy that feels happier.

  • Anji

    How’s it going? I’m afraid I have no helpful suggestions. Tea?

  • Ur bro

    Ya know I used to have acid tummy, no coffee, no chile allowed, but I have been over that for a long time. Not sure why.

  • Natalie

    Oh, dear! No coffee? No wine? Why these are the very nectars of the gods!! Your tummy may feel better but I fear for your pants. Cranky pants, to be exact. Someone always suggests green tea if you aren’t able to do coffee. Yeah, um, no…

    My sincerest condolences…

    • Karen Fayeth

      Natalie – Oh, yes. I have slid comfortably into my cranky pants and they won’t be coming off anytime soon.

      Thank you for your kind thoughts during this sad time……

  • Beth

    How about coffee ice cream? You’ll get some of the coffee taste, but without the acid. I’m a fellow coffee addict, and while I like tea in the afternoon, it isn’t morning unless I have coffee. My heart goes out to you.

    • Karen Fayeth

      Beth – That is an excellent idea!! :) Dig it, cuz I love ice cream too. And coffee ice cream is super duper yum!!

  • Emmett

    If you are going to be a former coffee drinker, you might prefer a more robust tea; for the shy try Celestial Seasonings Morning Thunder, for the bold Lapsang Souchang!

    • Karen Fayeth

      Emmett – Never figured you for a tea drinker. Thanks for the recommend. I generally try to relieve Morning Thunder with a dose of GasX.

      LOL *schnort*

      • Ephraim F. Moya


        *shnort* — There’s the Chica we know and love!

        You know, those little bottles of ‘5 hour energy’ contain the same amount of caffeine as about half a cup of coffee. Maybe you can stand that. Just Sayin’.

        El Viejo

        • Karen Fayeth

          Ah, never tried one of those before. They scare me.

          • Ephraim F. Moya


            If i’m right and your Dr. is trying to wean you off caffeine then ANYTHING with caffeine if NOT allowed!

            I would cooperate! No tea, no aloe vera, no Coke, no Diet Coke, etc. for a month. Take copious notes about how you feel and then, after a month, make a decision.

            I hesitate to say this but Starbucks sells decaf coffee. It’s not cheap but it doesn’t have caffeine.

            Que te sientas bien.
            El Viejo

  • joan claus

    Have you tried Aloe Vera juice? I swear by it for that burning feeling. It is fairly cheap, natural, and it has been around since time began–used for many ailments. Research it a bit and see if it is for you.

    • Karen Fayeth

      Auntie – Been drinking it for years. Gallons and gallons. It helps some but not enough. I credit aloe for the fact my esophagus isn’t in worse shape than it is.

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