Governor Bill Richardson has a sense of humor…almost…
On Wedneday, March 29, 2007, the Governor of our Fair New Mexico appeared on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.
You can watch the clip by clicking here:Now I have to say that to see our Guv on such a big stage is pretty cool. It’s a big step up for our state. Richardson is bringing us to the spotlight.
Are we ready for that?
In all I think it was a decent appearance. Ol’ Bill was kinda, sorta funny, helped immeasurably by Jon Stewart, of course. I’ve seen Jon make politicians look like bigger buffoons, so all in all Richardson did ok. Even got a couple laughs but managed to step on his own best joke which was that his rankings in the Presidential race are below the percentage “margin of error”. Pretty funny, actually. He could have gotten a big laugh from it…oh well.
His shameless plug at the end for his book was both embarrassing and to be expected. He IS a politician after all.
In looking for the Daily Show clip online, I also found this little gem. Not living in New Mexico currently I’ve missed this slice of Madison Avenue fluff.
Seems Bill Richardson kind of has a sense of humor. Or at least he’s trying to……. Who knew?