Come tip a glass with me!

Yes, tis time to celebrate St. Paddy’s Day again. The wearin’ of the green. The drinking, and the pinching (not necessarily in that order).

But St. Paddy’s Day means something different here on ol’ Oh Fair New Mexico.

Twas St. Paddy’s Day 2007 that my little blog was begun.

Three years and 860 posts later, it’s still going strong.

Look, three years ago, I didn’t know if I had a year’s worth of content in me, but I was willing to try. It was The Good Man’s idea to start a blog and damnit, I guess I have to admit he was right.

He really is, you know, a good man. Smart too. Dashing, handsome…but I digress.

My meager three years don’t come anywhere near the longevity and volume of blog friend, NewMexiKen. He just celebrated six years at his own url and is closer to seven years blogging and still getting ten to fifteen posts a day. I am humbled in his sheer blogging presence.

But my three years still beats the heck out of a lot of blogs I’ve seen rise and fall since I got my start.

Cheers! To Oh Fair New Mexico and another year of random acts of bloggery.

And Happy St. Patrick’s Day! To celebrate I took my new (to me) camera and snapped the prolific clover in the backyard.

I think it’s beautiful. My landlord curses at it.

And so goes the ways of my world.

(I don’t see any four leafers in there, do you?)

About Author


  • Ken

    Happy Birthday Oh Fair New Mexico.

    Anyone who gets a blog past three months is an old-timer. Three years — and still insightful and fun and varied and interesting — that's something to celebrate.

    Green beer all around. I'm buying.

  • L

    Happy blog anniversary! Meet ya at Maloneys or O'Neills on Central! (wait, are those places even open anymore?)

  • Elise

    I SEE ONE!

    Just kidding.


    (Happy blogiversary!)

  • Karen Fayeth

    Ken! Green beer! I'll take you up on that!

    L – Ooof. O'Neills. Good God, what a memory. If those walls could talk…. Wait. Maybe it's better that they can't.

    Elise – Where? Where? I keep looking for some luck in the backyard. No dice yet. :)

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