Not gonna explain why.
Just going to say this photograph made me well up.
Miss you, my Fair New Mexico
(Photo by Dean Hanson of the Albuquerque Journal)
Photo source: Albuquerque Journal
Not gonna explain why.
Just going to say this photograph made me well up.
Miss you, my Fair New Mexico
(Photo by Dean Hanson of the Albuquerque Journal)
Photo source: Albuquerque Journal
Can’t think of a better smell.
Oh…wow…speaking of Fall….great photo of the burning of Zozobra from the ABQJournal. (you are right, NewMexiKen, my gloom might have been in the Zozobra. I’m feeling better just looking at that photo.)
Looking for news from the homeland, I hit up the news tab on Google and put in New Mexico as my search term.
And what did I get back from that big omnipotent search engine?
New Mexico man set on fire after losing drinking game
3 dead in New Mexico business shooting…
Police search for two after finding missing boy (in New Mexico)*
My oh my former home state. Very busy in the news today. But not, you know, in a good way.
Clearly, Bill disapproves….
* text in parentheses is mine.
Albuquerque Wants To Keep Medications Out of River
Well sure. All those medications might just get in the way of all the human fecal matter, dead and bloated dogs and other foamy flotsam and jetsam.
Yeah. Keep the meds out. Thanks.
How about we clean up the river, eh? You know, the main water supply for a growing city and state?
How’s that for a *wild* and wacky idea?
Really, the ABQJournal keeps lobbing ’em up there.
“Zuni Bluehead Sucker Survey Gets Mixed Results“
First blue-footed boobies and now this?