And so…what exactly is this creature?

There is a whole tree of these encroaching on my back yard. The tree isn’t *in* my yard, it has roots next door, but seems to favor drooping its heavy laden boughs over our fence and dropping its hard skinned orangey fruits on our ground to rot.

I’m told these bad boys are persimmons. Okay, I wasn’t told. I eavesdropped on a conversation my neighbor had with a guest. The guest said “Oh! You have persimmons!”

So. There you go.

I have no idea what a persimmon is. Or what to DO with a persimmon. Or what might be good about having a persimmon tree.

I was overwhelmed with joy at the summertime bounty from the apricot tree in our side yard.

But this…this Fall persimmony crop leaves me…unsure.

They sure do make purty pictures tho!

I’m taking a photography class, so be prepared, blog readers. You may have to look at some stuff.

In other news, may the bird of paradise fly up your nose.

That is all from my Sunday backyard wanderings.

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  • Natalie

    MMmm…. WOW! You have a Persimmon overhang! Score! Lovely are the fruit of persimmon… When ripe (and only just then)they have a sweet, creamy texture that tastes like nothing other than… persimmon.

    Bird of Paradise is one of my favorites 'cause it just keeps blooming and blooming and blooming.

    I think I love your backyard!

  • Anonymous

    Or if you do not care for them (and some don't) you haul this treasure in to work to give away.


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