Do You Have To Let it Linger?
Word Sprints for Writer’s Block, With Apologies to the Cranberries
My word of the day is linger. This word was given to me by the good folks at, a place I visit when I need to do a word-based workout.
Like running sprints or doing calisthenics, allowing the fates to give me a word then writing something around the 750-word mark is how I keep the literary muscles supple and smooth. (This as my post-holiday actual muscles are quite lumpy and stiff)
Today I was in the bath, where I do all my best thinking, and realized that I hadn’t written anything in days. And days. It’s fine, I have plenty of good reasons for this, but wanting to get back in the saddle and bereft of any really good ideas, I got out, dried off, and hit the random word site.

Screenshot from
The rules of my game are: I have to take the word given to me, or in the parlance of golf (a game I know nothing about) I have to play it as it lays. No repeatedly hitting the “Generate Random Words” button to find a word I like. Nope. Get the word and get to work.
So linger it is. As in…don’t linger, get to writing. Boom, done.
Well not really.
The first thing I do is Google the word to see what’s what. Read a definition, see where the word shows up, find some sort of context or concepts around the word that provide a creative spark.
Of course, one of the top hits for linger was that angsty song from the Cranberries that was everywhere and all the time in 1993. A song I once liked but was ruined for me by a coworker who told me the story of her boyfriend standing outside the bathroom singing it loudly while she was doing a number two.
Do you have to let it linger? Well, when it comes to a poo, sorry, it can’t be helped. I can light a match?
Now I can’t think of that song without that memory. So let’s not linger on that to write about, eh?
Next I navigated my way over to Unsplash to see what they had to offer under the heading of linger. The pickings were, surprisingly, slim. Same with Pexels.
Pixabay didn’t have much that I thought fit my own interpretation of linger, but did offer up this very cool photo:

From Pixabay, and the license states no attribution required
I have no idea what’s going on there, but I have never seen a Zen stack made with ice, so there’s something new I learned as I lingered over the Pixabay site (a stretch there, stay with me).
Though as I look at the photo, I wonder why the photographer didn’t get behind the ice to try to get the low golden sun lighting up the slices. It’s a beautiful photo but I feel a missed opportunity.
Unsplash did offer up this one under the tag linger, which, uh…that’s not lingering. That’s walking very fast.

Photo by Chiến Phạm on Unsplash
Lovely photo, nice composition, just not my idea of a good ol’ fashioned linger. So that’s irksome.
Back to the Google, this time I navigate to Wikipedia and try my luck. It’s there I learned that there is a city in Luxembourg named Linger. The population of 577 means the Wiki entry is quite brief, in fact just a stub. So I had to linger over this idea for a moment.
I’ve always really loved towns with weird names like Hell, Michigan or Sandwich, Massachusetts. I mean, I could write a whole story on the weird town names in New Mexico, where I grew up. Actually, that’s not a bad idea, I think I will tuck that story idea away.
See, lingering over Linger, Luxembourg got the ol’ juices flowing.
This random word thing is an almost no-fail writing exercise for me. There are plenty of things that the word linger can introduce into the post-bath, post-holiday brain.
Granted, linger is a pretty good word, lots of ways to go with that. I do occasionally get words that are clunkers and try to make the best of them.
Well, if you have made it this far, I thank you for reading through my writing exercise to ease my writer’s block. Maybe this is helpful in some way? Perhaps if you also have writer’s block, you will stumble across this lingering little story and linger over your own ideas, hit the random word generator and then linger over some fresh, piping hot ideas of your own.
I’ll have you know that the word “own” was word 758.
See? Knocking out 750 words is just as easy, or rather just as difficult, as that.