Style tips you can use!
Today, I learned something about how to conduct my life from a most unlikely source.
Real, powerful lessons I look forward to applying as soon as possible.
So this afternoon, I had the honor privilege task of taking The Feline to the vet. She’s having ongoing ear troubles, so back we went to see the same guy who cut the tumor off her little nose last year.
Needless to say, not really her most favorite person.
But our vet is the owner of nine (yes, nine) of his own cats. He’s got a real firm but friendly touch with my cat who prefers it if you’d never actually *touch* her.
As I wrassled that pet down so the good doctor could examine her, I watched how the feline worked.
First, she simply tried to walk away. Vigorously.
When that didn’t work, she began this low-in-the-throat growl. Very menacing. In fact, I’ve never heard her use this growl on anyone BUT the vet. He’s a very kind man, really, and no one else can cause my normally bulletproof pet to make that sound.
So with the long growls and face-finger* looks, we were put on notice.
Next step was to use her paw to push the vet’s hand away. Firmly. No claws, no biting, just firmly shoving with her paw flat against the palm of his hand with all she had.
Finally, when the doctor persisted in looking in her ears, and after trying walking away, growling, and pushing, The Feline went to code red.
Meaning: The cat freaked the f-word out.
The vet, not a petite man by any account, threw hands up in the air, backed right off, and looked a little skeered, actually.
Twelve point one pounds of fury.
Oh yes.
She never had to get violent. No blood was drawn. I think she might have peed the tiniest bit, but not enough to make a mess.
But let me tell you, that animal was no longer messed with. Nope. We both let her be.
In fact, the meaner she got, the kinder the vet became. He started out calling her “big girl” in reference to her heft. (As a “big girl” myself, I was sort of offended on behalf of my pet!)
By the end of the visit, he was calling her “little one” and practically cooing to her in Peruvian.
See, this is good. The smallest, most vulnerable one in the room got her way.
I can learn from this!
First, if you don’t like it, walk away.
If that doesn’t work, get vocal. Make your displeasure known in a firm but not offensive way.
It that doesn’t work, be firmer. Don’t be afraid to physically push the trouble away. No need to be violent, just be direct.
And if you really, truly have to, freak out! Including a little pee, but only if really necessary.
Once the trouble is over, give everyone a face-finger, walk away with tail held high, and loudly demand food the moment you set paws in safe territory.
I can’t wait to try this at my next mammo visit!
Look at her now…all sweetness and light….hmph!

*i.e. a dirty look. As in, giving the finger, but using your face.